Shame, and Eternal Shame, Nothing But Shame!
(Syria) Pictures from the Syrian-Turkish border have reached us. The past months have seen millions of Syrians leaving their home towns because they could not possibly go on living in a place which is bombed on a daily basis, destroyed and nothing but debris is left.
We in Europe are comfortably seated on our sofas and armchairs with more food than we can possibly eat. Our flats are warm and comfy. From a distance it might appear that we do not care about those poor people, but on the contrary, we do care. We don't want these people to come to our countries.
Why is that so? Well, the answer is quite obvious: these poor people only want to profit from our social system. They want to take over our jobs, take over our homes and take over our wives, girlfriends and daughters. These poor people quite clearly are very mean people.
The worst is of course that some of these poor people are Muslims! Christian Europe is slowly but surely invaded by the Muslims. Our Christian values which we all hold so high will soon be forgotten and replaced by the laws taken from the Koran.
And these Christian values include love your neighbour because he is like you. Charity is a concept which is derived from this simple Christian value. The main idea is that this is not a voluntary act but a duty of every Christian. Your neighbour refers particularly to those who are in need and without protection.
This value is one we share not only with our Jewish neighbours but also with our Muslim ones. In Islam it is one of the five columns of the religion. Yes, there are differences. Yes, there are criminals. Which only proves they are like we are.
And being as we are, we cannot understand how any Christian can watch the pictures from Syria and not feel ashamed that we do not follow our duty, that we do not help our neighbours but that we wait and talk and rail against them.
What will our children and our children's children say about us? What will their judgement be? We only know how we feel right now: shame, and eternal shame, nothing but shame! (UF)
1st February - The US primaries begin, the elections leading to the choice for the presidential candidates of the Democrats and the GOP. If it wasn't so serious, you might mistake the whole bunch of the GOP's running list for comedians. Unfortunately, they are quite serious about their moronic ideas.
7th February -In America, people are watching an event called the Super Bowl. We have no idea why watching a huge soup bowl might be even a little interesting.
8th February -A storm make German carnival clubs cancel their parades. Only Cologne doesn't cancel - and guess what? They had the most beautiful weather.
9th February -Again the USA make us cringe. The Supreme Court ruled that Obama's laws on the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions do not need to be followed since lawsuits are adherent still. Honestly, they will just sit and wait until one of the GOP-morons is elected, who truly believe that humans are not responsible for climate change.
18th February -In Saxony/ Germany, idiots attack refugees. Some people still believe that war refugees only come to Europe to get social funding. They think that the media are biased and show only manipulated news. As much as we love to tell you about the bias of the Daily Profit, we have to tell you that, no, not all media are as biased, and yes, there is war in the Near East. And people do not leave their homes without a VERY good reason.
27th February -In Syria, an armistice has begun. To date it still holds. Let us hope this will give the helping organisations a chance to feed and water people from beleaguered cities. And to those Saxon and other idiots: NO, a couple of days of ceasefire does NOT mean all the refugees can go back at once.
New Novel To Be Published
(Wizarding World) So now it’s out: On Harry Potter’s birthday, a new book featuring Hogwarts, our friends the morons at the Ministry of Magic, and the wizarding world in general will appear. newBROOM has exclusive information that there are some people who successfully made sure they will not appear in the new instalment in Potter’s autobiographical novel series.
Brian Cullen and Mike Flatley, our eminent editors, were among the first to request from Minister for Magic Kingsley Shacklebolt that they would not appear as literary figures in the eighth novel in the Harry Potter-series. They did so on account of the fact that they had successfully been left out of the first seven novels as well – which left them free to publish their own version of events of course.
The same was true for each of the three Malignant Magpies, Hengist Alret, Anne Symmons and Patience Wood. The trio had their very own reasons for following Brian and Mike’s suit: “I really did not fancy people coming to me and asking if I was the one trying to follow my great-uncle’s footsteps”, Hengist Alret told newBROOM. His great-uncle, our readers will know, was Tom Riddle aka Lord Voldemort.
Anne Weasley, née Symmons, said she was not keen on being featured – especially since she was responsible for saving the Lupins, Severus Snape and her own brother-in-law Fred Weasley. This feat is, however, not to be talked about in detail according to the Law for the Obscuring of the Existance of Necromancers. Thus, it is illegal to mention it, which means that quite a lot of people will be supposedly dead in the upcoming novel.
Patience Snape, née Wood, refused to talk to newBROOM. However, we really wonder how the author of the novels will manage to keep her and her family out of the novel, seeing she is currently the Hogwarts potions mistress and houseteacher of Gryffindor. Neither of the mentioned people want their children to be features, either, not their respective spouses. Hengist, speaking on behalf of the Snapes, said: “The first seven novels were quite enough to show Professor Snape – Severus, I mean, not Patience – in a very unfavourable light, and the family does not want to be in the spotlight yet again.”
To everybody’s great surprise, Hogwarts headmaster Emerson Dicket also requested to be written out of the story. He gave his permission, though, for newBROOM to publish the real stories of Hogwarts.
Since so many prominent members of the Hogwarts society will not be featured, we are very curious of who will be mentioned. Dear readers, rest assured that newBROOM will follow proceedings closely. (All)
Family Matters
(Headquarters) newBROOM is proud to have gained permission for an exclusive interview with Hengist Thomas Alret, who reveals news about the families many readers care about. Mike Flatley was glad to speak to his old schoolmate again.
MF: Hengist, good to see you. You heard about the soon-to-be-published novel, didn’t you?
HA: Yes, I did, Mike. To be sure, it was to happen one day – but I can’t say I am very happy about it. I was glad you started the petition of being left out of the story. I really did not fancy people coming to me and asking if I was the one trying to follow my great-uncle’s footsteps.
MF: No, that’s quite understandable. We were all quite happy not to be part of the first seven books. But this new instalments faces a couple of problems if all of us are left out.
HA: Very true. Especially with Anne and Patience. I am not so much of a problem, I guess – it’s only my husband Ogden Worthy-James who will not be featured.
MF: What about Anne, then?
HA: Well, Anne is married to Charlie Weasley, and by now their family is a typically large and boisterous Weasley one. They have two boys, Arthur and Frank, and a girl, Charlotte.
MF: But Anne also doesn’t want to be in the book.
HA: No, she doesn’t. Charlie said he didn’t care, so he might be mentioned after all – as a bachelor taking care of dragons.
MF: But that’s what you do, Hengist!
HA: I know – and neither Charlie nor I am a bachelor. But that’s what fiction is all about, the invention of parallel worlds.
MF: As long as we are not part of that. And Patience?
HA: Oh gosh, Patience! She and Emerson are the hardest to leave out – we’re talking about the headmaster and the potions mistress, and if Hogwarts is at the centre of the story, then I do wonder how on earth that will work out.
MF: But she’s fine, isn’t she?
HA: She sure is. Severus stays at home, of course – after his death and resurrection, he retired for good from teaching. Let’s be honest, he never liked it much anyway. Maybe it’s good he’s at home. The four Snape kids are at Hogwarts now, and that’s quite hard.
MF: Oh, I know. Petronella, Sirius, and the twins Toby and Ella. I sometimes see the twins, you know.
HA: Hm. The two are rather… resourceful, shall we say?
MF: Exactly. And of course their cousins are also always up to mischief.
HA: That’s another family not wanting to be featured and rather being called dead: the Lupins. Ted, Felicity and Marcus are also at Hogwarts, of course. Although – Teddy quite fancies being featured, so he probably will make an appearance. Remus says he won’t stand in his son’s way, but that Ted would have to face the consequences on his own.
MF: All in all, we’re facing exciting times, then, aren’t we?
HA: We sure are! But it’s also quite exhilarating to wait and see what Ms Rowling will do about all the people not wanting to be part of literature.
MF: As long as the whole bunch of you is still willing to talk to us from time to time, we’re happy.
HA: Well, I for one am always glad to be here for a chat.(MF